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Cannabis for insomnia

Picture of a woman curled up upright on the bed, unable to get to sleep. Insomnia, sleep disorders

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get quality sleep. This can impact your energy levels during the day, and contribute to other issues like mood changes and trouble concentrating.

Cannabis has a long history as a sleep aid. Research shows that it can help with insomnia, as well as related conditions that may contribute to insomnia, such as:

However, more research is needed to fully understand how cannabis affects sleep.

Research on cannabis for insomnia

Some cannabinoids in cannabis, like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), can interact with receptors in the body that impact things like inflammation, pain, and mood.

Studies show that these cannabinoids in cannabis also affect sleep. Cannabis can balance the sleep-wake cycle and help the body produce more melatonin, a hormone that helps you fall asleep at night.

A 2019 study found that CBD improved sleep scores in 66.7% of participants within the first month of use. However, some participants experienced dips in its effectiveness over time.

Researchers have also found that CBD can increase rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, improve sleep quality, and reduce anxiety. Some studies show that its sleep-related benefits only occur in doses of at least 300 milligrams (mg), while other studies show effectiveness in doses as low as 25 mg. So more research is needed to understand exactly how much you need to experience sleep benefits.

THC has also been studied for its effects on insomnia. While it may help people fall asleep faster, it can also negatively affect sleep quality and reduce REM sleep.

Another cannabinoid, cannabinol (CBN), might have sedative effects that help people fall asleep more quickly.

Terpenes in cannabis, like myrcene, linalool, humulene, pinene, and beta-caryophyllene, may also support sleep through their anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory effects. Terpenes are compounds that give the cannabis plant its unique smell, taste, and therapeutic qualities.

These studies tell us that while cannabis may provide short-term insomnia relief, its long-term effects require further research.

Using cannabis for insomnia

While many people say that cannabis helps with sleep, results can vary from person to person.

Using cannabis for insomnia might help you fall asleep faster and improve overall sleep quality. It may also have fewer side effects than traditional sleep medications. However, it still comes with certain risks.


Here are some potential benefits of using cannabis for insomnia:

  • Faster sleep onset: Cannabis may help you fall asleep more quickly.
  • Improved sleep quality: CBD might reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep.
  • Relief from related conditions: Cannabis can help you manage other health conditions that cause or worsen insomnia, like pain, anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Risks and side effects

As with any medication, cannabis comes with some side effects:

  • Daytime drowsiness: Using cannabis to promote nighttime sleep can leave some people feeling tired the next day.
  • Dependency: Long-term cannabis use can eventually cause you to depend on it for sleep.
  • Tolerance: You may need to increase your dose over time to continue to get the desired effects.
  • Reduced REM sleep: THC may decrease REM sleep, which can negatively affect memory, mood, and cognitive function.
  • May not be effective for long-term use: The benefits of cannabis for insomnia can be useful but might be short-lived.

Is it legal?

Cannabis laws vary by state. Some states that have legalized medical marijuana include insomnia as a qualifying condition for medical cannabis use, but you’ll need a doctor’s recommendation.

Other conditions that can contribute to insomnia, like PTSD, depression, anxiety, or sleep apnea, may also be qualifying conditions for medical cannabis with a doctor’s recommendation. Minors who have insomnia may need a caregiver to get access to medical cannabis.

If you’re interested in trying medical cannabis for insomnia, check your state’s laws to confirm eligibility and talk with your doctor about next steps.

Best strains and products for insomnia

Some cannabis products are more effective for insomnia than others. Combining product types, like a vaporizer with an edible, may allow you to experience both immediate and long-lasting effects.

Strains (aka cultivars)

The most effective cannabis strains for insomnia contain terpenes that promote relaxation:

  • Afghani: Contains pinene and beta-caryophyllene and is known for promoting relaxation
  • Bubba Kush: Has calming effects that promote deep sleep
  • Granddaddy Purple: Is high in myrcene, known for its sedative effects
  • Northern Lights: Is thought to help with stress and pain while relaxing the body

CBD:THC ratios

Products with both high CBD and high THC ratios may help with insomnia. You may need to experiment to find out what works best for you. For example, you may prefer CBD during the daytime to manage related issues like anxiety without experiencing a “high.” THC may be more helpful at night due to its sedative effects.

  • CBD:THC 1:1: Can help with both sleep and anxiety
  • CBD:THC 1:2 or 1:3: May help you fall asleep quickly
  • CBD:THC 10:1, 20:1, or 30:1: Can reduce anxiety without strong psychoactive effects


Several terpenes in cannabis may help with insomnia:

  • Beta-caryophyllene: Anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Humulene: Sedative effects
  • Linalool: Calming, stress-relieving effects
  • Myrcene: Sedative and muscle-relaxing properties
  • Pinene: Anti-anxiety and stress-relieving effects


Flavonoids are compounds found in all plants. Some studies show that low flavonoid intake can lead to sleep problems. These flavonoids in cannabis may help with insomnia:

More about insomnia

Insomnia is more than just having an occasional night of bad sleep. It’s a sleep disorder that consistently affects your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, get quality sleep, and wake up feeling rested. As a result, it can impact your ability to function during the day.

Insomnia can occur on its own, or it can be caused by other factors, such as stress, anxiety, or chronic pain.

Insomnia affects one-third of all Americans. Doctors can usually diagnose insomnia based on your symptoms and sleep history. Your doctor may also recommend a sleep study so that they can observe your brain activity and other bodily functions while you sleep.

Other treatments for insomnia

Insomnia treatments can vary based on the underlying cause. Many options are available to help address underlying issues and manage symptoms to promote quality sleep.

Traditional therapies

The most common insomnia treatments include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): This type of therapy helps you learn how to change negative thoughts and behaviors that affect sleep into more positive ones to improve sleep.
  • Medications: Sleep aids like benzodiazepines, Z-drugs, and melatonin supplements are often recommended or prescribed to treat insomnia.
  • Lifestyle changes: Managing stress, exercising regularly, reducing your intake of sugar, alcohol, and caffeine, and promoting healthy sleep habits can lead to better sleep.

Natural and alternative therapies

Many supplements and herbal remedies can help with insomnia. They may cause fewer side effects than prescription medications.

  • Herbal supplements: Valerian root, chamomile, kava, lemon balm, passionflower, and Ashwagandha are widely used to manage sleep, stress, and anxiety.
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements: Dietary supplements like zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6 can support sleep.
  • Mindfulness and meditation: These practices can reduce stress and improve sleep quality.
  • Acupuncture: Some people find this technique from traditional Chinese medicine helpful for sleep issues.

Cannabis as part of your treatment plan for insomnia

Research shows that cannabis may help manage insomnia, as well as related conditions like anxiety and chronic pain.

In some states, having insomnia qualifies you for a medical marijuana card.

If you’re considering medical cannabis, talk with your doctor for more guidance. Leafwell’s team of healthcare professionals can help you develop an effective cannabis routine for insomnia relief.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some answers to FAQs regarding cannabis for insomnia.

Can weed fix insomnia?

Cannabis might relieve insomnia, especially in the short term. For some people, consuming cannabis before bedtime helps them fall asleep faster and wake up less frequently throughout the night.

What is the best weed for insomnia?

Popular cannabis strains for insomnia include Bubba Kush, Granddaddy Purple, and Northern Lights. Most people prefer indica and indica-dominant strains for insomnia because they contain higher levels of calming terpenes like myrcene.

Is it safe to use cannabis every night for insomnia?

While some people use cannabis every night, regular use may lead to tolerance or dependency, which reduces its effectiveness. Consider talking with a doctor about what’s best for you.

Does CBD help with insomnia?

CBD may help reduce underlying anxiety and improve sleep quality. You might prefer CBD over THC if you’re sensitive to THC’s intoxicating effects.

Can you get medical weed for insomnia?

Some states consider insomnia a qualifying condition for medical cannabis, while others don’t. States may also consider conditions that can cause insomnia, like chronic pain and PTSD. Check out your state’s laws and work with a doctor to determine if medical cannabis is an option for insomnia where you live.


Get your medical marijuana card

Research Overview

Animal Study


Clinical Meta-analysis


Clinical Trial


Double Blind Clinical Trial


Laboratory Study




Meta-analysis -


Total studies




216 studies



46 studies



34 studies


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